FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Game Announcement: "March of Industry" Crafting meets Clicker meets Tycoon meets Perestroika.SEATTLE, WA - July 2, 2015 - Archive Entertainment is excited to announce their new title, March of Industry. In March of Industry, players manage a weapons factory in a recently-capitalist, ex-Soviet country. Take the country's natural resources (copper, tin, vodka) and craft them together to create more advanced resources and finally weapons. Players can sell these weapons and use the proceeds to automate their crafting and mass-produce even more weapons. As the player's factory expands, they can create better (and more outlandish) weapons. The 'Rocket-Propelled Katana Launcher' is both simple to make and reasonably profitable. If you're up for more of a challenge, try combining 'Vodka' and 'Exercise Machines' to create the smelly but deadly 'Vladimir Putin's Gym Shorts'. Or perhaps you prefer the terrifying but compact 'Inconveniently Small Dragons'? Sign-ups for the upcoming private beta are now being accepted. March of Industry is planned to be free-to-play and compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux via Steam and Kongregate, with a mobile release also being planned. ### About Archive Entertainment: Archive Entertainment is founded by Robby Zinchak. Previously a Producer at Microsoft, he has also led game creation at Capcom and Midway before becoming a full-time indie in 2011. ### Game Trailer: http://youtu.be/tanshkr4Ywc (720p video source file also available in the presskit link below) Screenshots: http://marchofindustry.com/presskit/screenshots/BuyPanel.png, http://marchofindustry.com/presskit/screenshots/ZoomedOut.png, http://marchofindustry.com/presskit/screenshots/BlackHole.png Website: http://marchofindustry.com/ Steam Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/374640/ Additional screenshots, logo, etc: http://marchofindustry.com/presskit/ Fact sheet: http://marchofindustry.com/presskit/fact-sheet.html ### Press contact: If you have any questions on March of Industry, or would like to do an interview, please contact Robby Zinchak of Archive Entertainment at PR@ArchiveEntertainment.com |
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